css flow

Unicodes and Footnotes

Some recent articles on footnoting in webpages have sparked interest in the CSS community. John Gruber at Daring Fireball posted this article about the footnoting system on his site. The Brand Spanking New website has posted a method involving Javascript and CSS, and Dave Shea over at Mezzoblue published a great article on Unicode Glyphs and including them in your webpages, which ties in nicely with the Daring Fireball method.

Unicode.Org has a set of downloadable PDF's for referencing the extensive lists of Unicode Characters.

You may also wish to bookmark this amazingly useful article at Evolt.Org which contains a Simple Character Entitiy Chart. Better yet, download it and take it home.

The CSS Playground

In case you haven't noticed, Stu Nicholls has redesigned the CSS Playground and added some new CSS demos to the site. The guy continues to amaze me with his creativity and meticulous, clean designs. Personally I can't choose which demo is the most useful, though I am partial to the "drop-cap", which beats trying to work with the first-letter property.